learn about the register

What is the Register?

This Register has been developed primarily to secure the future of, and encourage the continued breeding of Norfolk Blue Cattle on Norfolk Island but is available for use by all cattle breeders on Norfolk Island.

Come, Join Us!

This website exits to honour of the late Jap Menghetti and Bubby Evans who were the real pioneers of the story.
Whether you are a cattle breeder, interested in becoming a cattle breeder or just love the story about the Norfolk Blue heritage herd, we'd love you to join us.


We value your interest in the Norfolk Blue heritage herd and we welcome any questions you may have, or ideas as to how we can better serve your interest and requirements.

What is the Norfolk Blue cattle breed?

The Norfolk Blue line of cattle has been developed since 2003 and is an open composite, Initially based on combining black, white faced baldies, and Angus x Shorthorn genetics which started with 14 head that were developed using line-breeding principles and introducing genetics from the Coota Park BlueE line (also composite of Angus x Shorthorn) and occasionally other breeds.

Membership is FREE!

If you own and breed cattle on Norfolk Island or are interested in the Norfolk Blue breed or the cattle industry on the island, then why not become a Register Member and stay up to date with all that's happening in this exciting space!

collage of two norfolk blue bulls